
Friday, August 3, 2012


This is Day 3 of BlogFlash 2012, a meme started by Terri Long. 

In writing, I always appreciate an awareness of color. A perfect example of this is in songwriting, and the first person who comes to mind is Elvis Costello. His songs include splashes of color, so the listeners can see the red shoes in their minds.

Color is a tricky thing, though. In books, color appears in the same places - eyes, hair, dress. What about the mud on the character's hand, the fallen leaves under her feet, a blue flash of a bird who darts past her?

As a reader and a listener, I love to catch that blue flash in among the black and white words on the page. It's fantastic when a wordsmith has the power to evoke a real image, with real colors, so the story comes to life in all dimensions.


  1. Very true. I love to picture the scene as well as the characters just like I'm standing in that place. it does add that something special to a story. xx

  2. I'm the same as you, Allie. I look for the colours, the images that wordsmiths create. A book can be so dreary without it!

    Great post xo

  3. I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right. A flash of unexpected color attracts the reader's attention.


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