
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last Minute Gifts, or: Oh, I See What You Did There

HELP! It's Christmas this weekend. Heck, it's Hannukah right NOW!

Need a last minute gift item? How about one of these babies? At last, the finger shaped ear and nose hair trimmer. Its tagline really is "The Perfect Pick!"

Rudolf poops out candies with a mere touch. 

Pajama pants that look like jeans: because acid washed just isn't dweeby enough already.

Anything that has been promoted by or has even been in the same room with Tony Little.

Whatever this is. There are some things you just can't unsee.

Any Christmas sweater ever made.

Hey, here's an idea: there are tons of Indie authors out there who write fantastic books, and you can pick them up for a buck or three! Why don't you add a comment here with a link to one of your favorite Indie books? And, shoppers, you don't even need gas to buy them. I'm talking instant delivery.


  1. I highly recommend 'Imago - A Warrior's Tale' by Lorna Suzuki. I couldn't put it down!

  2. How about an angel for Christmas? Beloved is waiting for you!

  3. Yay! I am reading Imago right now, and Beloved is an amazing paranormal romance!

  4. *dies* That baby head thing is hysterical! Love your set of collectibles here. And YAY books!

  5. Those are hilarious! I admit that I just started reading The Hunger Games and I would totally recommend them as a gift.

  6. I love the Christmas sweater!

    Just to say - I can't seem to get you via your email account (maybe I have a typo in my linky) but haven't had your SantaFest gift through yet.... deadline was 19th... wondering if perhaps lost in cyberspace?
    let me know at santafest at hotmail dot co dot uk

    Hope you're well end enjoying the festivities
    Laura xxx

  7. Hilarious!

  8. Check out Preying Angels by Jeff Davis:

    I'm reading it right now, and it's great. :)

  9. Where can I get the baby head octopus ? I need one.

  10. Strange, look at nosehair dude. Those are either the changiest hazel eyes I've ever seen or they photoshopped him. Why would they photoshop a normal guy? Weird.

  11. I suggest a wonderful Historical Fiction book By Janet Oakly. Tree Soldier is a great way to spend the Christmas vacay, plus it has a yummy cover :D

  12. I would love to recommend Calling, by K. R. Schulteis--perfect for the holiday, because it's about angels.

    Available as a Kindle and print book on Amazon.


I love to read your comments!