
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Miss Nesbitt, or The Muse Upstairs

Stephen King, in his fine book ON WRITING, said that his muse was a fat, cigar-smoking slob called Al who lived in the basement. He said that Al was messy, but he really couldn't complain. After all, Al had provided him with a good life.

My muse couldn't be more different. She is an elderly spinster with half-glasses that swing on a silver and bead chain. She wears  twinsets and narrow skirts, and her stockings have seams up the back, in an old-fashioned way, not in a sexy way. Her shoes have a T strap, which buttons over her instep. She likes a butterscotch sweet from time to time.

She works in a small office at a desk that is piled high with letters and notes. She does her work, of course, on an old typewriter, since I love them so, although she also employs an old-fashioned fountain pen.

Where would I be without her? When I feel dreary, or lazy, or sleepy, she is the one who is by my side, tapping her toe and pointing to her steel wristwatch. "Stir your stumps, lazybones," she says to me, and I groan and obey.

I wonder if my fellow writers have a muse, and if you would care to describe them here? I would love to read about them.

I also would love to hand out some awards. I was given the "Blog on Fire" and "Most Versatile Blogger" awards, and I sorely want to share.  Any nominations?


  1. My muse doesn't have a personae (yet) but Miss Nesbit sounds great! Love your description of her.

  2. My muse morphs and changes depending on what I'm working on. But she's always nagging....

    There's an award for you over at my blog. So come and pick it up!

  3. My muse is a dear young cabana-boy... Raoul... never lets an old lady's glass go half empty in a world full of woe... always put an umbrella in my iced-tea...

  4. Oh my gosh! What a fabulous concept, Alison. I don't have a muse. I have panic. But I think it is a super idea to actually create a muse - from picturing him/her to knowing what they are like and what they would say to you in any given situation. Wow - I am churning on it now! I'm thinking that maybe if I created a muse it would spur me on to do ..... things. Yes. Things. And I LOVE your muse!

  5. Umm.. I think my muse is David Duchovny. Actually, no. My muse is Fox Mulder. I never write better or faster than when I have X-Files playing in the background, and it's been that way for pretty much my whole writing life. And if you need him, I'm happy to share :)


I love to read your comments!